Greek Resort Block

Block – 16

An Open-Closed Space Of Residence

Athens, Greece


The project is about a temporary residence that a person occupies rather than a permanent abode. A specific endeavour has been made to develop a changeable unit for seasonal living. 

The demand for such a unit arose from the fact that the quality of living spaces has been contested during times of tourism Several hotels and rooms that serve as guestrooms are unable to meet the user's needs and provide qualitative interaction with nature, for which Greece is famous. In this article, space is depicted that transforms in response to fresh data. Despite the fact that it is only one unit, the capacity to alter allows it to build new ideas and scripts for a living. The characteristics revealed in these many situations illustrate the necessity of change as a fundamental element in architectural design. Is it feasible, however, that the demand for change redefines architecture, or is it merely a passing fad of our time?

Block-16 is not a fixed structure, but rather a mobile unit of living. It is a type of tourist home that may be constructed in any place. The capacity to alter both its exterior shell and its individual divisions.